Christiana Ohl1,2,3

ID# 3932, (1820 - 1893)
FatherJohn Ohl4
MotherMargaret [surname unknown]4

Key Events:

Birth: 7 Mar 1820, Pennsylvania5,6,7,8,9
Marriage: Jacob K. Riegel (about 20 Sep 1816 - 13 Sep 1857)10,11,12
Marriage: between Jun 1880 and 1883, Abraham Clemens (6 Apr 1816 - 29 Mar 1895)2,13,14
Death: 27 Jun 189315,16
Burial: Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church, Turbotville, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania15
ChartsDescendants of Jacob K. and Christiana Ohl Riegel
AncestryThe Reigel Family

Copyright Notice


     2,17,18,19,13,1420,11 Christiana Ohl was probably born on 7 Mar 1820 in Pennsylvania. Both the date and place of birth are less than clear. Her name was sometimes recorded as Chrissie Ann, and a baptismal record found for that name shows the date as 7 Mar 1820. The age on her tombstone computes to a birth date of about 21 Mar 1821, a perplexing difference. Contemporary records say she was born in Pennsylvania, but the family much latter reported she was born in Germany though that seems unlikely to be correct.5,6,7,8,9
     Christiana was baptized on 18 Jun 1820 in Reformed Congregation, Lower Saucon Twp., Northampton Co., Pennsylvania, with Elizabeth Fierer as sponsor, assuming that the record found is for her.4 She never learned to read or write, and signed documents with an "X."21,22
     Christiana married first Jacob K. Riegel, son of Jacob Riegel.10,11,12
     Christiana and Jacob appeared on the 1850 Federal Census of Turbut Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, enumerated 20 Aug 1850. Their children Sarah, Violetta, John, Christiana, William and Benjamin were listed as living with them.21

Dealing with Widowhood --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Her husband died on 13 Sep 1857.23
     As part of the settlement of Jacob's estate, Christiana elected to receive the land, but it was worth more than her widow's entitlement and could "not be divided without spoiling the whole." She did claim, as part of her $300 widow's claim, personal property valued at $78.15, including:
two hogs eight-day clock
one spotted cow one bureau and contents
corn in the shocks dining table
one lot of small potatoes in the barn looking glass
stone coal stove and pipe one bed and bedding lot
iron kettle (not sound) cooking stove & pipe etc.
one lot of crocks in the cellar kitchen cupboard
potatoes in the cellar coffee mill
eight chairs tin bucket.24,25

     On 22 Apr 1858 Christiana filed a release to Charles Hottenstein, administrator of her late husband's estate, acknowledging receipt of $78.15 worth of personal property and $221.85 cash in settlement of her $300 widow's allowance from the estate.26
     Her whereabouts from the time she collected her widow's claim until she purchased a new residence in 1862 are a mystery. Having lost both her husband and her young daughter she was apparently in seclusion somewhere. She has not been found in the 1860 census.27
     Her children were each living with a different nearby family. Apparently whatever the arrangement was those neighbors felt it was sufficiently permanent to report the children as members of their households in the 1860 census. Sarah, age 18, was living with John Haag and his wife Mary28; Violetta, age 16, with John Hoffa and his wife Sarah29; Jacob, age 14, with Elias Schaeffer and his wife Elizabeth30; Christiana, age 12, with John McCormick, a widower, and his three children31; Benjamin, age 10, with Kilyan Dunkle and his wife Mary32; William, age 10, with Erastus Ketner and his wife Sarah33; and Mary, age 7, with Charles Reigle, who is thought to be a brother or other close relative of her late father based on the fact that they were living on the property formerly owned by her father, which had been purchased on the courthouse steps by his father.34,35,36 Except for Charles, these all seem to be simply good neighbors. No prior connections with these families have been found, though Violetta's host, John Hoffa, was a third cousin to Benjamin's future wife.

Making a New Start --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     On 1 Apr 1862 Christiana purchased property in Delaware Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, amounting to 72 perches (about half an acre) from Anthony A. Barber and his wife Maria, paying $300. Though the deed does not explicitly say so, there was apparently a house on the property, as this seems to be where she lived the rest of her life.37,38
Christiana Ohl Riegel Clements' tombstone
photo by authors
We do not know if the children moved to the new home with her, other than William, who lived there until at least 1880. By the 1870 census, her youngest child, Catharine, was 18 years old, and seems to have been married.39,40
     Christiana appeared on the 1870 Federal Census of Watsontown, Delaware Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, enumerated 29 Jul 1870, reporting $600 in real estate and $150 in personal estate. Her son William was listed as living with her.41 She appeared on the 1880 Federal Census of Delaware Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, enumerated 17 Jun 1880. Her son William was again listed as living with her.42

Expanding Her Home --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     In the fall of 1881 Christiana had a kitchen addition made to her home, financed at least in part by a loan from her daughter Christiana, who presented a note for $54.04 from her mother as the basis of a claim in the settlement of her mother's estate.43
     Christiana married second Abraham Clemens, son of Peter Clemens and Sophia Kramer, between Jun 1880 and 1883.2,13,14
     Her new husband bought two acres from her long-time neighbors, Jacob Derr and his wife, on 1 Apr 1882 for $375. On 20 Aug 1883 he sold that parcel to her for the same amount.44,45,46
     She seems to have been in failing health the last three years of her life. Her daughter Christiana, presented a claim for $30 against her estate for attendance and housekeeping for a total of six months during the last three years, and nursing during the final three weeks. There were also claims for doctors' bills totaling $61.50.43
     Christiana left a will dated 19 May 1891, in which she named her seven living children and left all her belongings to be shared equally by them.16
     Christiana died on 27 Jun 1893 at age 73.15,16
     It appears that she was given quite a funeral. The executor of her will claimed reimbursement for $3.92 for groceries, and her husband claimed $9.65 for "provisions." The undertaker received $45 for casket, shroud, and funeral direction.47,48 She was buried in Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church, Turbotville, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.15

Administering Her Estate --- Text Stolen from !! ---

     Her will was proved on 1 Jul 1893 in Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.16 On 3 Jul 1893 an appraisal of her personal property was filed with the Orphans Court. The total value was found to be $7.22, based on the following inventory:
6 wooden chairs     90¢
rocking chair     50¢
looking glass     15¢
clock     50¢
set of dishes     75¢
spoons & glassware     25¢
small copper kettle     20¢
clothes basket     25¢
6 wooden chairs     72¢
bedstead & bedding $2.00
bureau (old)     20¢
washbowl pitcher & soap dish     50¢
chest     25¢.49

     At the meeting of creditors for Christiana's estate, her daughter Mary presented a claim for wages due for housecleaning by Bertha Simons, identified in the record as the daughter of John Simons. She was also Mary's daughter and Christiana's granddaughter. It was agreed that the wages had not been paid, but Abraham Clemens, Christiana's husband, testified that clothing totaling $13 had been given the girl in place of wages, and that he had kept track of the value given. Further, it seems that the girl's father had previously sued for the claimed wages before Jacob Follmer, Justice of the Peace, but that suit had been declared against Simons for failure to appear. In the end, the auditor rejected the claim on the grounds that Mary lacked standing to make the claim, which should have been made by the girl's father.43
     Christiana's real property in Delaware Twp., Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, was sold by her executor on 26 Jun 1894 for $300. It was two acres and 72 perches in size, and included a two-story brick house with frame kitchen attached. The original parcel of 72 perches she had purchased in 1862, with two acres added in 1883.50
     On 24 Sep 1894, the auditor for the estate filed his final report. The value of personal property and the sale of the real estate totaled $307.22. But by the time the estate was settled, the heirs received nothing. Professional fees for handling the estate totaled $116.35. Medical bills amounted to $61.50, and funeral expenses $58.57. Claims for taxes and debts totaled $102.87. Since there was not enough to pay all claims, family members received 77.77 cents on the dollar for theirs.43,51
Research Note, 26 Aug 2003:
It is not proved that the Chrissie Ann Ohl whose baptism record was found in Lower Saucon is the same Christianna Ohl that was the wife of Jacob K. Riegel. Records for Jacob's wife mostly show her as Christianna, or some variation, though the transcript of son Benjamin's baptism record does show her as Chrissa Ann. The birth date from the Lower Saucon baptism record is close to, but does not agree with, the date computed from her tombstone. It shows she died 27 Jun 1893 at age 72 yr, 3 mo, 6 d (the last unclear). This computes to about 21 Mar 1821, while the baptism record shows a birth date of 7 Mar 1820. I have recorded the parents and siblings from the Lower Saucon church records on the assumption that the tombstone data is in error, but it is possible that they were two different people.52,4,5

     Children with Jacob K. Riegel:

     There were no children with Abraham Clemens


  1. [S138] Benjamin Franklin Riegel, baptismal certificate, shows name as Christiana Ohl.
  2. [S221] Christiana Clemens tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery, shows name as Christiana Clemens.
  3. [S4572] Mary C. Simons, Certificate of Death, shows name as Christiaina Ohl.
  4. [S607] Church Records of Twenty-Eight Churches in the Easton Public Library, transcribed and edited by Staff of the Easton Public Library, Personnel of the Works Progress Administration, et al, Easton Public Library, pg 74.
  5. [S221] Christiana Clemens tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery, shows age 72 yr, 3 mo, 6 d (the last unclear) at death.
  6. [S607] Church Records of Twenty-Eight Churches in the Easton Public Library, transcribed and edited by Staff of the Easton Public Library, Personnel of the Works Progress Administration, et al, Easton Public Library, pg 74, Baptism of Chrissie Ann Ohl, shows date, as 7 Mar 1820.
  7. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows state and age 30.
  8. [S145] P. F. Reigel household, 1920 U.S. Census, Clark Co., Washington, shows Benjamin's mother born in Pennsylvania.
  9. [S170] Benjamin Franklin Riegel, Certificate of Death, shows country, as Germany.
  10. [S230] Jacob K. Riegel, probate papers, Petition of Administrator, shows Christiana as Jacob's widow.
  11. [S138] Benjamin Franklin Riegel, baptismal certificate, shows Christiana and Jacob as married.
  12. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows Jacob and Christiana Rigel as apparent heads of household.
  13. [S378] Christiann Regles household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows her surname as Regles, so any marriage would have been later.
  14. [S69] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 113: 460-1, Geo. P. Armstrong, Exc. to Sarah A. Taylor, 1894, shows she married Abraham Clements after she made the 1862 purchase, and that she took title to the parcel in 1883 as Christian Clements.
  15. [S221] Christiana Clemens tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery.
  16. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891.
  17. [S224] Christiann Reigle household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows her surname as Riegle, so any marriage would have been later.
  18. [S228] Olson, e-mail to author (100), "Re: Riegal/Reigel surname", 22 Apr 2000, notes Christiana's surname on gravestone is Clemens, and that possibly she remarried.
  19. [S234] Olson, "Family History Page - Jacob K. Riegal", shows marriage based on Clemens surname her tombstone.
  20. [S139] Benjamin Franklin and William David Rigel baptism record, Follmer Lutheran Parish Records, shows both as parents of Benjamin and William.
  21. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  22. [S621] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, SS:333-4, Christian Riegel to Chs. Hottenstein, release, 1858, signed with her mark, and in Justice of the Peace's statement says she "cannot write or read English writing."
  23. [S222] Jacob Riegel tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery.
  24. [S230] Jacob K. Riegel, probate papers, Petition of Administrator, shows that Jacob died intestate; Inventory by Widow, describes her claims.
  25. [S618] Orphans Court Dockets, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 12:130, Inventory by widow of Jacob K. Riegel, 1858, describes widow's claims.
  26. [S621] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, SS:333-4, Christian Riegel to Chs. Hottenstein, release, 1858.
  27. [S225] Entire Northumberland county census of 1860 searched without finding her, and search of index finds no matching names in 1860 Pennsylvania census.
  28. [S317] John Haag household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  29. [S297] John Hoffa household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  30. [S318] Eli Shaffer household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  31. [S300] John McCormick household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  32. [S157] Kilyian Dunkle household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  33. [S302] Erastus Ketner household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  34. [S319] Charles Reigle household, 1860 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, also shows Eli Shaffer and wife Elizabeth at household 1239, John Dunkle and wife Margaret at household 1242; pg. 176 shows Jacob Shatter and wife Henrietta at household 1236; pg. 177 shows John Hoffa and wife Sarah at household 1248 and John McCormick and no wife at household 1249.
  35. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows Jacob K. Rigel and wife Christiana, Eli Shafer andwife Eliza at household 50, John Dunkel and wife Margaret at household 47; pg. 46 shows John Hoffa and wife Sarah at household 62, and John McCormick and wife Martha at household 63.
  36. [S618] Orphans Court Dockets, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 12:104-5, Petition for Order to Sell, estate of Jacob K. Riegel, 1857, shows Elias Schaeffer and Jacob Shatter as adjoining land owners.
  37. [S621] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, SS:361-2, Anthony A. Barber & wife to Christiana Rigle, 7 Jan 1863.
  38. [S69] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 113: 460-1, Geo. P. Armstrong, Exc. to Sarah A. Taylor, 1894, cites orignal purchase.
  39. [S224] Christiann Reigle household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows Christiana and William in the household.
  40. [S378] Christiann Regles household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows Christiana and William in the household.
  41. [S224] Christiann Reigle household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  42. [S378] Christiann Regles household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania.
  43. [S618] Orphans Court Dockets, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 14:217-8, Christian Clemens, Dec'd., Auditor's Report, 1894.
  44. [S8340] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 87:336, Jacob Derr and wife Sarah to Abraham Clemens, 21 Aug 1883; 87:337-8, assignment of Abraham Clemens to Christiana Clemens, 21 Aug 1883.
  45. [S289] Jacob Derr household, 1870 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows him listed adjacent to Christianna Reigle.
  46. [S1919] Jacob Derr household, 1880 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, appears in adjacent household to Christianna Regles.
  47. [S623] Christian Clements, probate file, Account of George P. Armstrong, Executor, filed 31 Mar 1894, shows executor's claim for groceries.
  48. [S618] Orphans Court Dockets, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 14:217-8, Christian Clemens, Dec'd., Auditor's Report, 1894, shows husband's claim for provisions and funeral director's claim.
  49. [S623] Christian Clements, probate file, inventory and appraisement filed 3 Jul 1893.
  50. [S69] Deeds, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 113: 460-1, Geo. P. Armstrong, Exc. to Sarah A. Taylor, 1894.
  51. [S623] Christian Clements, probate file, Account of George P. Armstrong, Executor, filed 31 Mar 1894.
  52. [S139] Benjamin Franklin and William David Rigel baptism record, Follmer Lutheran Parish Records, shows name as Chrissa Ann.
  53. [S619] Will Books, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, 10:18, Christian Clements will, 1891, shows as Christiana's child.
  54. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows her in household with Jacob and Christiana.
  55. [S6017] "Mrs. Sarah Shurtz Summoned on High," Shenandoah World, 30 Nov 1920.
  56. [S234] Olson, "Family History Page - Jacob K. Riegal."
  57. [S154] Jacob Rigel household, 1850 U.S. Census, Northumberland Co., Pennsylvania, shows him in household with Jacob and Christiana.
  58. [S4391] "Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950,", record for Christiann Riegel, citing FHL #824065, which includes as item #13 "Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church; Milton, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania; parish registers 1818-1909," transcription by Carol Keys.
  59. [S138] Benjamin Franklin Riegel, baptismal certificate.
  60. [S139] Benjamin Franklin and William David Rigel baptism record, Follmer Lutheran Parish Records.
  61. [S4572] Mary C. Simons, Certificate of Death.
  62. [S223] Laura Riegel tombstone, Paradise Reformed Lutheran Church Cemetery, shows daughter of J & C. Riegel.